

You Don’t Need a Full Office of Employees, 2 Guys Would be Enough to Build an Online Empire

You Don’t Need a Full Office of Employees, 2 Guys Would be Enough to Build an Online Empire

You Don’t Need a Full Office of Employees, 2 Guys Would be Enough to Build an Online Empire

Starting Small and Dreaming Big — How Your Startup Can Thrive with Just a Few Resources

Starting Small and Dreaming Big — How Your Startup Can Thrive with Just a Few Resources

Diverse team of professionals working together in a bright office, with a woman in a beige blazer typing at her computer and colleagues discussing in the background, highlighting collaboration in the workplace

5min read

Nov 29, 2023


Diverse team of professionals working together in a bright office, with a woman in a beige blazer typing at her computer and colleagues discussing in the background, highlighting collaboration in the workplace

5min read

Nov 29, 2023


Diverse team of professionals working together in a bright office, with a woman in a beige blazer typing at her computer and colleagues discussing in the background, highlighting collaboration in the workplace

5min read

Nov 29, 2023


If you’re reading this article, then you’ve already started building something or just wanna begin your entrepreneurial journey.

Anyway, publishing your product and creating a startup isn’t the easiest task for all of us. There’re lots of myths, secrets, and discussions on what you need to start creating something and telling the world who you are with your product.

From most corners, you can hear that you must have a massive budget, and a professional team of developers, and be the guru of this life.

That’s mostly not true, and I’ll prove it to you with my own experience and my own UI/UX agency, with which I’ve recently crossed the line of 100 clients and over 150 sales on our digital products.

If you’re reading this article, then you’ve already started building something or just wanna begin your entrepreneurial journey.

Anyway, publishing your product and creating a startup isn’t the easiest task for all of us. There’re lots of myths, secrets, and discussions on what you need to start creating something and telling the world who you are with your product.

From most corners, you can hear that you must have a massive budget, and a professional team of developers, and be the guru of this life.

That’s mostly not true, and I’ll prove it to you with my own experience and my own UI/UX agency, with which I’ve recently crossed the line of 100 clients and over 150 sales on our digital products.

The Myth of Big Budgets and Big Teams

To start doing something, you don’t need that much. In other words, to grow your business to at least $10,000 per month, you don’t need anything except yourself.

Yeah, the fewer resources you have, the more time it will take to get to the point where you wanna be.

However, it’s still possible to do everything on your own or with a small team of the same innovators as you.

By the way, I even highly encourage you to start alone or with a small team. Let me explain.

When we come up with some unique and revolutionary idea that is going to change the world, we can spend all of our money, take credit, and find the best professionals in the world just to start building it.

But you’re not including the fact that before taking your idea seriously and making such big steps, you first should conduct some experiments and maybe launch a raw version of your ideas, or MVP, in other words.

I went through it many times. You think that your idea is so unique that it will immediately kill all the competitors and get all the money in the world. It can. But you still need to test it out first.

To make the first drafts, or find 1–2 specialists that would help isn’t that hard and it also doesn’t take thousands of dollars to accomplish.

So yeah, the most important part here is to TRY.

What is the sense of using even the greatest tool ever built but still not implementing it?

From Solo Designer to Agency Owner

I’m a Senior UI/UX designer and have over 4 years of experience in this field.

Somewhere over a year ago, I decided to open my own agency with zero dollars in my bank. Pretty stupid idea, you can say. Yeah, I thought that way too.

My main motivation was — “It’s too boring to work alone; I wanna scale and find some partners

In the beginning, I was still working alone, but the name of my agency gave me the ability to increase the average price for the designs a little bit.

After a while, I offered some of my friends designers to be a part of my ideas and work on the order together. Two of them agreed, and we started growing and growing.

I’m always following the rule that some economist guy taught me — “Working together is always more profitable than alone”

Couldn’t have said it better. If you’re a specialist in one field and you find a guy who is a specialist in another, then everything would be possible for you two.

It’s always more profitable to trade with someone and partner as well.

So, after working all together and understanding what we truly wanted, we finally took it seriously and started going to the vector of digital products.

That’s when Templify came out.

Now, from a simple web design agency, we have turned into an agency that mostly produces templates and digital assets that people can buy numerous times.

Our vision is — “Give entrepreneurs the ability to present their product effectively and with a taste. Develop all the necessary tools and provide a spectrum of services for achieving the goals of everyone

Sounds brave, isn’t it?

What came out of this? We’ve accomplished creating over 4 pretty huge templates focusing on different types of businesses, and people really like them.

We make around 5 sales each day and we’re just starting. We’ve not made that much profit, but still all three of us believe in the future of our agency, and we try our best to make it happen.

The Power of Small Teams and Focused Strategies

So, why did I tell you our story? It shows how even a small group of people, or even one guy can start working without anything in his pockets.

I was a specialist in my field, and with my knowledge of web design, I asked myself — “Why not give it a try?”

Especially, when the only asset that you’re risking here is your time. And I wouldn’t even call it a risk, you’re practicing and learning even when nothing is going out of your idea.

This success story isn’t unique to us.

I can name tens of different examples that I’ve seen myself.

Small teams have a unique advantage in the digital realm. It’s much easier to innovate and make changes in the overall structure when there’re only 3 of you, or even less.

You can make quick decisions and pivot without the drag of large-scale operations. With a focused strategy and a commitment to delivering value, a small team can achieve what larger teams struggle with.

Even if you’re not a specialist in marketing but still wanna progress with it, you can always use the abilities of outsourcing and freelancers. For a specific time and a specific price you’ll get everything you need without worrying about hiring, firing, paying salaries, and so on.

I would prefer to have a small team of the guys that I know the best and who truly believe in the idea that we’re building than have a large company with over 100 employees.

We all know that the world has changed. You don’t need an office for your team to work efficiently, you don’t need to have a large budget and you obviously don’t need anyone.

The Myth of Big Budgets and Big Teams

To start doing something, you don’t need that much. In other words, to grow your business to at least $10,000 per month, you don’t need anything except yourself.

Yeah, the fewer resources you have, the more time it will take to get to the point where you wanna be.

However, it’s still possible to do everything on your own or with a small team of the same innovators as you.

By the way, I even highly encourage you to start alone or with a small team. Let me explain.

When we come up with some unique and revolutionary idea that is going to change the world, we can spend all of our money, take credit, and find the best professionals in the world just to start building it.

But you’re not including the fact that before taking your idea seriously and making such big steps, you first should conduct some experiments and maybe launch a raw version of your ideas, or MVP, in other words.

I went through it many times. You think that your idea is so unique that it will immediately kill all the competitors and get all the money in the world. It can. But you still need to test it out first.

To make the first drafts, or find 1–2 specialists that would help isn’t that hard and it also doesn’t take thousands of dollars to accomplish.

So yeah, the most important part here is to TRY.

What is the sense of using even the greatest tool ever built but still not implementing it?

From Solo Designer to Agency Owner

I’m a Senior UI/UX designer and have over 4 years of experience in this field.

Somewhere over a year ago, I decided to open my own agency with zero dollars in my bank. Pretty stupid idea, you can say. Yeah, I thought that way too.

My main motivation was — “It’s too boring to work alone; I wanna scale and find some partners

In the beginning, I was still working alone, but the name of my agency gave me the ability to increase the average price for the designs a little bit.

After a while, I offered some of my friends designers to be a part of my ideas and work on the order together. Two of them agreed, and we started growing and growing.

I’m always following the rule that some economist guy taught me — “Working together is always more profitable than alone”

Couldn’t have said it better. If you’re a specialist in one field and you find a guy who is a specialist in another, then everything would be possible for you two.

It’s always more profitable to trade with someone and partner as well.

So, after working all together and understanding what we truly wanted, we finally took it seriously and started going to the vector of digital products.

That’s when Templify came out.

Now, from a simple web design agency, we have turned into an agency that mostly produces templates and digital assets that people can buy numerous times.

Our vision is — “Give entrepreneurs the ability to present their product effectively and with a taste. Develop all the necessary tools and provide a spectrum of services for achieving the goals of everyone

Sounds brave, isn’t it?

What came out of this? We’ve accomplished creating over 4 pretty huge templates focusing on different types of businesses, and people really like them.

We make around 5 sales each day and we’re just starting. We’ve not made that much profit, but still all three of us believe in the future of our agency, and we try our best to make it happen.

The Power of Small Teams and Focused Strategies

So, why did I tell you our story? It shows how even a small group of people, or even one guy can start working without anything in his pockets.

I was a specialist in my field, and with my knowledge of web design, I asked myself — “Why not give it a try?”

Especially, when the only asset that you’re risking here is your time. And I wouldn’t even call it a risk, you’re practicing and learning even when nothing is going out of your idea.

This success story isn’t unique to us.

I can name tens of different examples that I’ve seen myself.

Small teams have a unique advantage in the digital realm. It’s much easier to innovate and make changes in the overall structure when there’re only 3 of you, or even less.

You can make quick decisions and pivot without the drag of large-scale operations. With a focused strategy and a commitment to delivering value, a small team can achieve what larger teams struggle with.

Even if you’re not a specialist in marketing but still wanna progress with it, you can always use the abilities of outsourcing and freelancers. For a specific time and a specific price you’ll get everything you need without worrying about hiring, firing, paying salaries, and so on.

I would prefer to have a small team of the guys that I know the best and who truly believe in the idea that we’re building than have a large company with over 100 employees.

We all know that the world has changed. You don’t need an office for your team to work efficiently, you don’t need to have a large budget and you obviously don’t need anyone.



So, starting a business isn’t about having a huge team or a fat bank account; it’s about being clever, being bold, and believing in your vision.

Think of it this way: every big thing starts small. Our story is proof that with a few right moves, a small team can achieve big dreams. It’s about making the most of your resources, no matter how limited they may seem

Sometimes, all you need is a good idea, a couple of like-minded folks, and the courage to just go for it.

After all, opportunities await, and it’s time to act!


So, starting a business isn’t about having a huge team or a fat bank account; it’s about being clever, being bold, and believing in your vision.

Think of it this way: every big thing starts small. Our story is proof that with a few right moves, a small team can achieve big dreams. It’s about making the most of your resources, no matter how limited they may seem

Sometimes, all you need is a good idea, a couple of like-minded folks, and the courage to just go for it.

After all, opportunities await, and it’s time to act!

Lean Startup

Lean Startup

Online Business

Online Business

Startup Efficiency

Startup Efficiency

Small Team

Small Team



Digital Empire

Digital Empire

Business Innovation

Business Innovation

Team Dynamics

Team Dynamics

Growth Hacking

Growth Hacking



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