Personal Brand

Personal Brand

The 6 Pillars of Building a Strong Personal Brand That Will Last

The 6 Pillars of Building a Strong Personal Brand That Will Last

The 6 Pillars of Building a Strong Personal Brand That Will Last

#1 and #5 are the most crucial ones

#1 and #5 are the most crucial ones

Close-up of a person's hands typing on a laptop keyboard, casually dressed with a stylish wristwatch, focused on digital work or browsing

5min read

Dec 3, 2023

Personal Brand

Close-up of a person's hands typing on a laptop keyboard, casually dressed with a stylish wristwatch, focused on digital work or browsing

5min read

Dec 3, 2023

Personal Brand

Close-up of a person's hands typing on a laptop keyboard, casually dressed with a stylish wristwatch, focused on digital work or browsing

5min read

Dec 3, 2023

Personal Brand

Building a personal brand became some kind of idol and a mystery at the same time.

Personal brand isn’t about talking about ‘how-to-make’ money, it’s about finding something that interests you and making it interesting for others as well.

It’s something that is built more about what you can offer, than who are you, and helps you to tell people about the world in the most effective way possible.

it’s about resonating with your audience in a way that’s both meaningful and impactful.

So, let’s dive into the six pillars of building a personal brand, so you’ll be able to do it in the most efficient way.

Building a personal brand became some kind of idol and a mystery at the same time.

Personal brand isn’t about talking about ‘how-to-make’ money, it’s about finding something that interests you and making it interesting for others as well.

It’s something that is built more about what you can offer, than who are you, and helps you to tell people about the world in the most effective way possible.

it’s about resonating with your audience in a way that’s both meaningful and impactful.

So, let’s dive into the six pillars of building a personal brand, so you’ll be able to do it in the most efficient way.

1. Understanding ‘Why’

The question ‘why?’ should be in every sphere of your life. It should be like a habit, whenever you wanna take an action, you first should understand why.

That’s the first step in building your personal brand as well.

By understanding why you wanna build a personal brand, why you wanna offer these types of services, and why you wanna produce those types of products, you’ll be able to make them useful for people.

And we’re here not to earn some cash, right? We’re here to make something positive for the world, solve some problems, and as an exchange get some money in return.

There’s no meaning in doing something ’cause it’s trendy. If half of the articles on your Medium feed talk about building a personal brand, and that’s the reason why you started, then you’ll probably fail.

You need to understand why people will want to pay attention to you and what you can offer.

Your ‘why’ is your compass, leading you through challenges and triumphs, always reminding you and your audience of the deeper purpose behind your actions.

So, the first thing that you need to start with is “Why?”, then everything else would come itself

2. Value Proposition

The value proposition is more than just the benefits of your offerings; it’s the unique experience and perspective you bring to the table.

That’s your brand’s signature, the promise that sets you apart in a crowded marketplace.

In other words, a user wants to get some value, some benefits for himself. Nobody comes to your website because they’re proud of you and want to make your life better.

You need to understand that nobody cares about what you do and how you do it. So, you need to find something that would give a reason for a user to stay on your page.

That’s why understanding what you can offer is crucial.

If you know in which spheres you’re the best and if you know how you can help other people, then half of the way is already passed.

The only thing left is to explain it. You need to control the attention of a user and give the most valuable information right away, so he or she will immediately get interested.

So, don’t forget about making something useful for people. Only by helping others you be able to be interesting for everyone.

3. Minimalism

Minimalism isn’t about having less, it’s about having only what truly matters.

In other words, minimalism in branding is about conveying your message to the audience in the purest form possible.

So, it allows you to remove all the unnecessary things in your personal brand and focus on your core message, value, product, or anything else.

For example, you don’t need to offer tens of different services. 1–3 would be enough to cover all the needs of most of the users.

You also don’t need to create an infinite amount of products. Sometimes this can cause the user to lose focus and can lead to a lower conversion.

And as Steve Jobs once said — “People think focus means saying yes to the thing you’ve got to focus on. But that’s not what it means at all. It means saying no to the hundred other good ideas that there are.”

4. Adaptability

In a world that’s constantly evolving, adaptability is your brand’s superpower.

Without being able to take action fast and change what needs to be changed, your personal brand just wouldn’t be able to live further.

You must learn new strategies, new tactics, and new ways of improving what you already have. In other cases, your competitors will take all of the attention and you’ll end up with nothing.

Flexibility in your strategies and openness to new ideas can fuel innovation and keep your brand agile and resilient in the face of change.

Anyways, we all know how it’s crucial to understand the current market trend and some marketing strategies that work right now.

5. Consistency

Consistency is the only reason why you see successful businesses and personal brands.

Success doesn’t come overnight and we all know that.

To really achieve something we need to do consistent actions, improve over time, and keep pushing in one direction until we hit it.

However, we need to understand that most of the actions that you make will not make any difference at all. Well, at least the one that we can see right away.

It’s like going to the gym each day. Doesn’t matter how good your workout was, you still wouldn’t be able to see any noticeable changes in your body.

That’s a pretty long process of doing, doing, and doing.

The same principle works while building a personal brand. Only by taking the same actions over and over again, you’ll be able to get it.

Even if you don’t see any progress, your actions still count.

6. Authenticity

Authenticity is what really makes your brand stick in people’s minds. It’s about being real, and that’s something people can really connect with.

Authenticity is the soul of your brand. It’s about being unique and showing your true motives to the audience.

People can spot a fake from miles away, so just be yourself — it’s as simple as that.

Share your real story. Talk about your ups and downs. People appreciate honesty, and it makes your brand more human. Especially, in the current trend of AI where almost every piece of information doesn’t have any soul in it.

Being transparent can build deeper connections with your audience and create a brand that’s not only trusted but also cherished.

When you’re talking to your audience, whether it’s on social media or in person, just be yourself.

1. Understanding ‘Why’

The question ‘why?’ should be in every sphere of your life. It should be like a habit, whenever you wanna take an action, you first should understand why.

That’s the first step in building your personal brand as well.

By understanding why you wanna build a personal brand, why you wanna offer these types of services, and why you wanna produce those types of products, you’ll be able to make them useful for people.

And we’re here not to earn some cash, right? We’re here to make something positive for the world, solve some problems, and as an exchange get some money in return.

There’s no meaning in doing something ’cause it’s trendy. If half of the articles on your Medium feed talk about building a personal brand, and that’s the reason why you started, then you’ll probably fail.

You need to understand why people will want to pay attention to you and what you can offer.

Your ‘why’ is your compass, leading you through challenges and triumphs, always reminding you and your audience of the deeper purpose behind your actions.

So, the first thing that you need to start with is “Why?”, then everything else would come itself

2. Value Proposition

The value proposition is more than just the benefits of your offerings; it’s the unique experience and perspective you bring to the table.

That’s your brand’s signature, the promise that sets you apart in a crowded marketplace.

In other words, a user wants to get some value, some benefits for himself. Nobody comes to your website because they’re proud of you and want to make your life better.

You need to understand that nobody cares about what you do and how you do it. So, you need to find something that would give a reason for a user to stay on your page.

That’s why understanding what you can offer is crucial.

If you know in which spheres you’re the best and if you know how you can help other people, then half of the way is already passed.

The only thing left is to explain it. You need to control the attention of a user and give the most valuable information right away, so he or she will immediately get interested.

So, don’t forget about making something useful for people. Only by helping others you be able to be interesting for everyone.

3. Minimalism

Minimalism isn’t about having less, it’s about having only what truly matters.

In other words, minimalism in branding is about conveying your message to the audience in the purest form possible.

So, it allows you to remove all the unnecessary things in your personal brand and focus on your core message, value, product, or anything else.

For example, you don’t need to offer tens of different services. 1–3 would be enough to cover all the needs of most of the users.

You also don’t need to create an infinite amount of products. Sometimes this can cause the user to lose focus and can lead to a lower conversion.

And as Steve Jobs once said — “People think focus means saying yes to the thing you’ve got to focus on. But that’s not what it means at all. It means saying no to the hundred other good ideas that there are.”

4. Adaptability

In a world that’s constantly evolving, adaptability is your brand’s superpower.

Without being able to take action fast and change what needs to be changed, your personal brand just wouldn’t be able to live further.

You must learn new strategies, new tactics, and new ways of improving what you already have. In other cases, your competitors will take all of the attention and you’ll end up with nothing.

Flexibility in your strategies and openness to new ideas can fuel innovation and keep your brand agile and resilient in the face of change.

Anyways, we all know how it’s crucial to understand the current market trend and some marketing strategies that work right now.

5. Consistency

Consistency is the only reason why you see successful businesses and personal brands.

Success doesn’t come overnight and we all know that.

To really achieve something we need to do consistent actions, improve over time, and keep pushing in one direction until we hit it.

However, we need to understand that most of the actions that you make will not make any difference at all. Well, at least the one that we can see right away.

It’s like going to the gym each day. Doesn’t matter how good your workout was, you still wouldn’t be able to see any noticeable changes in your body.

That’s a pretty long process of doing, doing, and doing.

The same principle works while building a personal brand. Only by taking the same actions over and over again, you’ll be able to get it.

Even if you don’t see any progress, your actions still count.

6. Authenticity

Authenticity is what really makes your brand stick in people’s minds. It’s about being real, and that’s something people can really connect with.

Authenticity is the soul of your brand. It’s about being unique and showing your true motives to the audience.

People can spot a fake from miles away, so just be yourself — it’s as simple as that.

Share your real story. Talk about your ups and downs. People appreciate honesty, and it makes your brand more human. Especially, in the current trend of AI where almost every piece of information doesn’t have any soul in it.

Being transparent can build deeper connections with your audience and create a brand that’s not only trusted but also cherished.

When you’re talking to your audience, whether it’s on social media or in person, just be yourself.



To recap, a strong personal brand is built on understanding your core motivation, offering unique value, practicing minimalism, adapting to change, being consistent, and remaining authentic.

Reflect on these pillars and consider how you can apply them to create a personal brand that not only stands out but also truly represents who you are and what you stand for.

After all, opportunities await, and it’s time to act!


To recap, a strong personal brand is built on understanding your core motivation, offering unique value, practicing minimalism, adapting to change, being consistent, and remaining authentic.

Reflect on these pillars and consider how you can apply them to create a personal brand that not only stands out but also truly represents who you are and what you stand for.

After all, opportunities await, and it’s time to act!

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