

Why Waking Up at 5 AM Might Just Be The Worst Decision You Ever Make

Why Waking Up at 5 AM Might Just Be The Worst Decision You Ever Make

Why Waking Up at 5 AM Might Just Be The Worst Decision You Ever Make

The Cult of Productivity That You Shouldn’t Embrace in Yourself

The Cult of Productivity That You Shouldn’t Embrace in Yourself

Person in bed reaching out to turn off an alarm clock on a white bedside shelf, with a vase and books, capturing a morning routine

4min to read

Nov 16, 2023


Person in bed reaching out to turn off an alarm clock on a white bedside shelf, with a vase and books, capturing a morning routine

4min to read

Nov 16, 2023


Person in bed reaching out to turn off an alarm clock on a white bedside shelf, with a vase and books, capturing a morning routine

4min to read

Nov 16, 2023


We’ve all heard many quotes like that. And that’s mostly true. I’ve been waking up early for several years straight and think that it’s one of the best things that most of us can integrate into our lives.

But is that really what you want? Is rising before the sun and adding tens of activities to your morning always the best choice?

In this article, I won’t tell you that you shouldn’t wake up at 5 AM. We’ll take a more serious look at which morning routine can be truly great in your case and which is pretty harmful.

Sometimes it’s just better to have a simple morning routine that will help you not burn out and be highly productive as well. So, let’s dive in.

We’ve all heard many quotes like that. And that’s mostly true. I’ve been waking up early for several years straight and think that it’s one of the best things that most of us can integrate into our lives.

But is that really what you want? Is rising before the sun and adding tens of activities to your morning always the best choice?

In this article, I won’t tell you that you shouldn’t wake up at 5 AM. We’ll take a more serious look at which morning routine can be truly great in your case and which is pretty harmful.

Sometimes it’s just better to have a simple morning routine that will help you not burn out and be highly productive as well. So, let’s dive in.

The Pressure of Success

5 AM morning is an icon of success and productivity. We’ve all seen a picture of a guy getting up early from bed, doing yoga, running, reading, etc. That’s the picture of a great life for most of us.

Society always tells us what we need to do. And I don’t say that it’s bad; I am personally grateful that some people can notice my flaws and tell me about them. It helps me to improve and go further in life.

However, you need to understand that the only one who decides what is bad in your situation and what’s not is — You.

If you truly believe and know that it’s much better for you then am I to tell you that you’re wrong, right?

You need to understand why you wanna wake up early, or why you wanna start jogging, and so on. Leaving the comfort zone just for ‘fun’ isn’t the best option. You’ll end up burning up and getting to your previous life over and over again.

Do you need the change?

Sometimes it’s better to change something, but if the system works great, then you need to be careful with changes.

Take my situation, for example. I’ve been waking up at 7 AM for my whole life, I truly enjoy it and always feel happy. The routine was pretty simple: wake up, brush my teeth, warm up, and then start working.

However, after a while, I started integrating some new ‘positive’ habits into my morning. And yeah, I’ve mastered meditation, started swimming, and taken a 30-minute walk. It probably increased my level of mindfulness.

But my productivity decreased significantly. I just couldn’t keep up with the same rhythm of my work as before. That was the most important time for me when I almost lost my team of designers and gave up.

You should prioritize the actions that are crucial to your situation and the actions that others want to see from you.

And again, the change for just the change isn’t the best option.

Exploring The Right Strategy

Trust me, if you don’t know how to do something right and don’t wanna ruin your day, then stop doing it.

For instance, to wake up early, you need to understand how to do it right. It’s not just about feeling motivated and putting your alarm on at 5 AM.

You’ll get a lot of stress from that, especially if it’s your first time doing that.

You need to analyze some of the best strategies and read a little bit about how others achieved this.

Let me give you several examples.

If you normally wake up at 7 AM but want to start waking up at 5 AM, you wouldn’t make the two-hour jump all at once. Instead, you’d set your alarm for 6:45 AM, then after a few days, once you’re comfortable with that, you’d set it to 6:30 AM, and so on.

This gradual method helps your body adjust to the earlier wake-up time without as much stress or shock to your system, making it a sustainable change.

With the established system and consistency, even on the weekends, you’ll get to your end goal. Over time, you might even find yourself waking up naturally before the alarm even rings.

And that’s the power of knowing the right strategy. I would highly encourage you to do the same in literally every sphere you are interested in. Doing just what others do isn’t the best option.

The Pressure of Success

5 AM morning is an icon of success and productivity. We’ve all seen a picture of a guy getting up early from bed, doing yoga, running, reading, etc. That’s the picture of a great life for most of us.

Society always tells us what we need to do. And I don’t say that it’s bad; I am personally grateful that some people can notice my flaws and tell me about them. It helps me to improve and go further in life.

However, you need to understand that the only one who decides what is bad in your situation and what’s not is — You.

If you truly believe and know that it’s much better for you then am I to tell you that you’re wrong, right?

You need to understand why you wanna wake up early, or why you wanna start jogging, and so on. Leaving the comfort zone just for ‘fun’ isn’t the best option. You’ll end up burning up and getting to your previous life over and over again.

Do you need the change?

Sometimes it’s better to change something, but if the system works great, then you need to be careful with changes.

Take my situation, for example. I’ve been waking up at 7 AM for my whole life, I truly enjoy it and always feel happy. The routine was pretty simple: wake up, brush my teeth, warm up, and then start working.

However, after a while, I started integrating some new ‘positive’ habits into my morning. And yeah, I’ve mastered meditation, started swimming, and taken a 30-minute walk. It probably increased my level of mindfulness.

But my productivity decreased significantly. I just couldn’t keep up with the same rhythm of my work as before. That was the most important time for me when I almost lost my team of designers and gave up.

You should prioritize the actions that are crucial to your situation and the actions that others want to see from you.

And again, the change for just the change isn’t the best option.

Exploring The Right Strategy

Trust me, if you don’t know how to do something right and don’t wanna ruin your day, then stop doing it.

For instance, to wake up early, you need to understand how to do it right. It’s not just about feeling motivated and putting your alarm on at 5 AM.

You’ll get a lot of stress from that, especially if it’s your first time doing that.

You need to analyze some of the best strategies and read a little bit about how others achieved this.

Let me give you several examples.

If you normally wake up at 7 AM but want to start waking up at 5 AM, you wouldn’t make the two-hour jump all at once. Instead, you’d set your alarm for 6:45 AM, then after a few days, once you’re comfortable with that, you’d set it to 6:30 AM, and so on.

This gradual method helps your body adjust to the earlier wake-up time without as much stress or shock to your system, making it a sustainable change.

With the established system and consistency, even on the weekends, you’ll get to your end goal. Over time, you might even find yourself waking up naturally before the alarm even rings.

And that’s the power of knowing the right strategy. I would highly encourage you to do the same in literally every sphere you are interested in. Doing just what others do isn’t the best option.



So what’s the takeaway? It’s simple: do what feels right for you in the morning. You don’t have to wake up at 5 AM or pack your morning with activities unless it really helps you.

Think about what makes you happy and productive. Maybe it’s a bit of exercise, a good breakfast, or just a few extra minutes of sleep. Whatever it is, make that your thing. Remember, it’s your morning, your rules.

After all, opportunities await, and it’s time to act!


So what’s the takeaway? It’s simple: do what feels right for you in the morning. You don’t have to wake up at 5 AM or pack your morning with activities unless it really helps you.

Think about what makes you happy and productive. Maybe it’s a bit of exercise, a good breakfast, or just a few extra minutes of sleep. Whatever it is, make that your thing. Remember, it’s your morning, your rules.

After all, opportunities await, and it’s time to act!

Productivity Myths

Productivity Myths

Morning Routine

Morning Routine

Lifestyle Advice

Lifestyle Advice

Sleep Health

Sleep Health



Life Hacks

Life Hacks

Personal Development

Personal Development

Healthy Habits

Healthy Habits

Time Management

Time Management



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