Importance of Design

Importance of Design

Why Being a Good Designer is The Same as Being a Great Entrepreneur

Why Being a Good Designer is The Same as Being a Great Entrepreneur

Why Being a Good Designer is The Same as Being a Great Entrepreneur

Design and Business Are Much More Closely Related Than You Can Imagine.

Design and Business Are Much More Closely Related Than You Can Imagine.

Artist's workspace with watercolor paintings and brushes, a hand holding a brush in motion, illustrating the creative process and artistic environment

6min to read

Nov 17, 2023

Importance of Design

Artist's workspace with watercolor paintings and brushes, a hand holding a brush in motion, illustrating the creative process and artistic environment

6min to read

Nov 17, 2023

Importance of Design

Artist's workspace with watercolor paintings and brushes, a hand holding a brush in motion, illustrating the creative process and artistic environment

6min to read

Nov 17, 2023

Importance of Design

What first comes to your mind when you hear the word design, or UI/UX design specifically?

Probably it’s a guy who spends 15 minutes a day doing almost nothing and creates something only when he or she has some kind of inspiration.

Yeah, that might be true. But the world of design is much, much, much more complex than you think it is.

Everything that you’ve known about the design in every sphere is only applicable to juniors.

The real design is a hard structure of logic and systems that can create the best user flow possible. Sometimes, the logic behind the design is even more complex than in every code that you’ve seen in your life.

Yeah, sounds nuts, but I’m here to help you dive into this and explain how, with even a little knowledge in this field, you’ll be able to focus on your clients more effectively and improve conversions right away!

What first comes to your mind when you hear the word design, or UI/UX design specifically?

Probably it’s a guy who spends 15 minutes a day doing almost nothing and creates something only when he or she has some kind of inspiration.

Yeah, that might be true. But the world of design is much, much, much more complex than you think it is.

Everything that you’ve known about the design in every sphere is only applicable to juniors.

The real design is a hard structure of logic and systems that can create the best user flow possible. Sometimes, the logic behind the design is even more complex than in every code that you’ve seen in your life.

Yeah, sounds nuts, but I’m here to help you dive into this and explain how, with even a little knowledge in this field, you’ll be able to focus on your clients more effectively and improve conversions right away!

Let’s Start with the UX

Well, first of all, you need to understand that design is created not just to impress someone.

And it’s lying on the surface. Nobody would spend tons of money on improving a design that just would look cool.

Then why are the companies so focused on every aspect of design, especially nowadays?

’Cause the design is all about the logic and how the user will interact with the product.

That’s why the most important aspect of every design is User Experience.

By creating the right UX, you’re able to manipulate the mindset of a user.

In other words, creating the best story for a user and keeping his attention as much as possible. Without harming anyone, obviously

Now it seems pretty logical. I personally would spend tons of money if the design would help my business get as much attention as possible and improve conversions.

Now, let’s see a simple hero section for a landing page that I’ve recently created.

On the first look, nothing special, just a regular design that I’ve done a lot. However, the most important thing here is how the user ‘scans’ the design.

Yeah, that’s very important to highlight. Users don’t view your website, they scan it.

So, by building the right system of contrasts, and placing each element in the right place you can easily tell the user where to look first and what to look at next.

In our example, you first see a large headline, it’s not usual and almost every word seems interesting to you, so you pay more attention to it.

After that, you immediately look at the main service that we’re providing, such as Templates.

Then you’re reading the description and then scrolling down. Pretty straightforward and it helps to show the most important things first.

Customer Journey Map (CJM)

Now let’s explore one of the most important parts of every good design.

It’s a good CJM. With the power of CJM, you’ll be able to provide users with the most exciting journey and put only the necessary information on the website.

A good website contains only the right and important information. Nobody is putting something there just for ‘fun’.

That’s why you still need to think of the users and how they will interact with our product.

For instance, by drawing the Customer Journey Map, you’re becoming a potential user yourself. You think of every action that a user would do, starting from the intention and ending with the key action.

Anyway, let’s take a look at an example of this mysterious CJM.

It can be hard to understand, but we don’t need it for now. Let’s just see how it can help us with our business stuff.

If I know how the user is going to interact with the product, then I need to create this roadmap for him.

In other words, make the simplest path to follow with all the necessary information.

For instance, if I know that it’s necessary for users to see an open pricing policy, then I’ll create an additional section with our price list and the best offers specifically for each type of audience.

Pretty easy to understand, but so hard to implement.

By the way, CJM can be used anywhere, not only in the design.

You, as an entrepreneur, can draw the same map for literally any process.

And it’s the best way to become your own potential user for 5 minutes. You’ll understand what your clients truly want and what not.

UI Kits

Every big corporation has its own unique and perfect UI Kit.

Companies such as Amazon, Apple, Google, spend millions of dollars and hundreds of hours creating the system that would make the whole design more scalable, and again logical.

It’s simply a kit with all the buttons, blocks, fonts, colors, etc.

When you wanna create a new page or add some additional block, you use only the components that are pre-built in the UI Kit.

With it you can be sure that developers will be able to implement it and there won’t be any bugs.

It’s a structure that you, as a designer, must follow.

You can’t just come up with some random idea and put it. In most cases it will cause millions of problems and ruin the whole system. So, keep that in mind.

And here are the examples.

How to implement this in Business?

Yeah, I almost forgot. Implementing design in business is the reason why you and me are here.

So, I think that the answer is already here. By knowing how to make a great design, you know how to give the user the exact information that you want and to get as much attention as possible.

Design is probably the easiest way to manipulate the user in a good way.

The best examples are e-commerce websites. The outcome of the sale will depend on which style you choose, where buttons are placed, and how you tell a user about your product.

So, after reading this article there must be an exact answer and an exact guide on what you need to consider before thinking of the design at any time in your life.

By the way, I’m not telling you that you must be an expert in the design field. But the more you’re familiar with all the things that I’ve mentioned, the better product you’ll be able to produce.

And the more sales you’ll get, that’s for sure!

After all, opportunities await, and it’s time to act!

Let’s Start with the UX

Well, first of all, you need to understand that design is created not just to impress someone.

And it’s lying on the surface. Nobody would spend tons of money on improving a design that just would look cool.

Then why are the companies so focused on every aspect of design, especially nowadays?

’Cause the design is all about the logic and how the user will interact with the product.

That’s why the most important aspect of every design is User Experience.

By creating the right UX, you’re able to manipulate the mindset of a user.

In other words, creating the best story for a user and keeping his attention as much as possible. Without harming anyone, obviously

Now it seems pretty logical. I personally would spend tons of money if the design would help my business get as much attention as possible and improve conversions.

Now, let’s see a simple hero section for a landing page that I’ve recently created.

On the first look, nothing special, just a regular design that I’ve done a lot. However, the most important thing here is how the user ‘scans’ the design.

Yeah, that’s very important to highlight. Users don’t view your website, they scan it.

So, by building the right system of contrasts, and placing each element in the right place you can easily tell the user where to look first and what to look at next.

In our example, you first see a large headline, it’s not usual and almost every word seems interesting to you, so you pay more attention to it.

After that, you immediately look at the main service that we’re providing, such as Templates.

Then you’re reading the description and then scrolling down. Pretty straightforward and it helps to show the most important things first.

Customer Journey Map (CJM)

Now let’s explore one of the most important parts of every good design.

It’s a good CJM. With the power of CJM, you’ll be able to provide users with the most exciting journey and put only the necessary information on the website.

A good website contains only the right and important information. Nobody is putting something there just for ‘fun’.

That’s why you still need to think of the users and how they will interact with our product.

For instance, by drawing the Customer Journey Map, you’re becoming a potential user yourself. You think of every action that a user would do, starting from the intention and ending with the key action.

Anyway, let’s take a look at an example of this mysterious CJM.

It can be hard to understand, but we don’t need it for now. Let’s just see how it can help us with our business stuff.

If I know how the user is going to interact with the product, then I need to create this roadmap for him.

In other words, make the simplest path to follow with all the necessary information.

For instance, if I know that it’s necessary for users to see an open pricing policy, then I’ll create an additional section with our price list and the best offers specifically for each type of audience.

Pretty easy to understand, but so hard to implement.

By the way, CJM can be used anywhere, not only in the design.

You, as an entrepreneur, can draw the same map for literally any process.

And it’s the best way to become your own potential user for 5 minutes. You’ll understand what your clients truly want and what not.

UI Kits

Every big corporation has its own unique and perfect UI Kit.

Companies such as Amazon, Apple, Google, spend millions of dollars and hundreds of hours creating the system that would make the whole design more scalable, and again logical.

It’s simply a kit with all the buttons, blocks, fonts, colors, etc.

When you wanna create a new page or add some additional block, you use only the components that are pre-built in the UI Kit.

With it you can be sure that developers will be able to implement it and there won’t be any bugs.

It’s a structure that you, as a designer, must follow.

You can’t just come up with some random idea and put it. In most cases it will cause millions of problems and ruin the whole system. So, keep that in mind.

And here are the examples.

How to implement this in Business?

Yeah, I almost forgot. Implementing design in business is the reason why you and me are here.

So, I think that the answer is already here. By knowing how to make a great design, you know how to give the user the exact information that you want and to get as much attention as possible.

Design is probably the easiest way to manipulate the user in a good way.

The best examples are e-commerce websites. The outcome of the sale will depend on which style you choose, where buttons are placed, and how you tell a user about your product.

So, after reading this article there must be an exact answer and an exact guide on what you need to consider before thinking of the design at any time in your life.

By the way, I’m not telling you that you must be an expert in the design field. But the more you’re familiar with all the things that I’ve mentioned, the better product you’ll be able to produce.

And the more sales you’ll get, that’s for sure!

After all, opportunities await, and it’s time to act!


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Design Thinking



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