

Unleashing the Power of Reading — Why? How? and Where?

Unleashing the Power of Reading — Why? How? and Where?

Unleashing the Power of Reading — Why? How? and Where?

A full guide on why to read and how to read

A full guide on why to read and how to read

Photo by Hatice Yardım on Unsplash

7min to read

Jun 26, 2023


Photo by Hatice Yardım on Unsplash

7min to read

Jun 26, 2023


Photo by Hatice Yardım on Unsplash

7min to read

Jun 26, 2023


Books were an essential part of everyone’s life, especially in the early days of civilization. Except for writing and reading, there were no other ways to express a thought or convey information to another person. So, books were the #1 source of information for centuries.

What about the current time? The time of technologies, where everyone can access everything with one click. The answer is simple. Books are still the #1 source of information, but they’re just not that popular nowadays.

There’re many reasons why. First, of course, people have become lazy and don’t want to spend hours sitting and staring at pieces of paper. It’s just more likely that people will spend these hours scrolling and browsing through social media because of the easy dopamine.

The second cause can be downgrading the value of information inside books. As we mentioned earlier, information is absolutely free and easy to access, which is why people don’t see any reason to get it from books. We have such websites as YouTube and Medium. At least we can search for anything on Google.

Don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying that any platform with information is less important than books or that it’s bad to use one of them. Absolutely the opposite, I would highly encourage you to use all the tools around and consume information from every source.

But there’s one hidden stone in this approach, you need to filter the information like never before. You need to understand when what you’re consuming is useless or useful.

In other words, it’s not an excuse to watch YouTube videos instead of reading a book. It would be much better to get information from both and filter out what is really meaningful. That’s why people should pay closer attention to books in the current world.

In this article, we’ll explore some of the other aspects of reading that will completely transform your life. I’ll also share with you a guide to the best books to read and some pieces of advice!

Books were an essential part of everyone’s life, especially in the early days of civilization. Except for writing and reading, there were no other ways to express a thought or convey information to another person. So, books were the #1 source of information for centuries.

What about the current time? The time of technologies, where everyone can access everything with one click. The answer is simple. Books are still the #1 source of information, but they’re just not that popular nowadays.

There’re many reasons why. First, of course, people have become lazy and don’t want to spend hours sitting and staring at pieces of paper. It’s just more likely that people will spend these hours scrolling and browsing through social media because of the easy dopamine.

The second cause can be downgrading the value of information inside books. As we mentioned earlier, information is absolutely free and easy to access, which is why people don’t see any reason to get it from books. We have such websites as YouTube and Medium. At least we can search for anything on Google.

Don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying that any platform with information is less important than books or that it’s bad to use one of them. Absolutely the opposite, I would highly encourage you to use all the tools around and consume information from every source.

But there’s one hidden stone in this approach, you need to filter the information like never before. You need to understand when what you’re consuming is useless or useful.

In other words, it’s not an excuse to watch YouTube videos instead of reading a book. It would be much better to get information from both and filter out what is really meaningful. That’s why people should pay closer attention to books in the current world.

In this article, we’ll explore some of the other aspects of reading that will completely transform your life. I’ll also share with you a guide to the best books to read and some pieces of advice!

The Benefits of Reading

Books are like personal development coaches, they give us some theory and guide us through the journey of learning and practicing. It also gives you an infinite number of benefits.

  • Books offer diverse perspectives, stimulate creativity, and improve critical thinking skills.

  • A 2009 study from the consultancy Mindlab International at the University of Sussex found that reading reduced stress levels by 68% — now, that’s a stat worth bookmarking!

  • Reading books significantly reduces feelings of loneliness for people aged 18–64.

  • Fiction readers are more likely to show high levels of empathy and emotional intelligence than non-readers.

As you can see, there’re only benefits, and I’ve told you only about the most basic ones. Overall, by reading a book, you won’t make anything worse, absolutely the opposite, almost every aspect of your life will improve if you read on a regular basis. And it’s that simple.

If you find it challenging to read, consider audiobooks. You can listen to them while walking, exercising, or doing household chores. Plus, audiobooks offer a unique experience, allowing you to enjoy the book while freeing up your hands and eyes.

Where to Read

When it comes to reading, the environment can make all the difference. Find a quiet, comfortable space where you can fully immerse yourself in the reading experience.

Whether it’s a cozy armchair, a sunny park bench, or a peaceful library corner, the right setting can help you focus and enjoy the book more. I call it a programmed place. You’re choosing the best place for a specific kind of work. In the near future, your brain will understand it, and everything will be much easier to accomplish.

It’s like you have a table set up for productive work. If you work in this place, then you’ll need less time to get into the flow state and fully concentrate on the task. The same is true with reading books. Find your place, and make it peaceful so you’ll enjoy spending time there.

What to Read

So, as I promised, let’s explore some of the best books for anyone to read, in my opinion. I’ve read and handpicked the top 5 for you, so you wouldn’t need to spend any time searching for others!

  1. “Atomic Habits” by James Clear: Breaking down the complex process of habit formation into simple, practical steps, this book is a must-read for anyone striving for consistent personal growth.

  2. “The Black Swan” by Nassim Nicholas Taleb: The book is about rare and unpredictable events and how they impact our lives, economies, and societies. It challenges our beliefs about the predictability of the future and encourages us to embrace uncertainty and complexity in our decision-making. It’s a great read for anyone who wants to understand the role of chance in their lives and learn how to navigate it.

  3. “Martin Eden” by Jack London: This novel follows the story of a young man who strives to become a writer and achieve success. It explores themes of individualism, social class, and the struggle for self-discovery.

  4. “Steve Jobs” by Walter Isaacson: This biography tells the story of the legendary entrepreneur and co-founder of Apple Inc. It offers insights into his life, personality, and innovative spirit, making it an inspiring read for anyone interested in business or technology.

  5. “Getting to Yes” by Roger Fisher: This book is a guide to effective negotiation, offering practical strategies for achieving win-win solutions. It’s a must-read for anyone who wants to improve their communication and problem-solving skills.

How to Read

If knowledge is power, then knowing how to implement this knowledge is a superpower. The same applies to reading books. It doesn’t matter how many books you’ve read throughout your life; it only matters which information you got from them and really applied to your life.

What is the purpose of reading if you don’t remember anything after a week? What is the purpose if you don’t know how to implement it in real life and don’t know what to do with this knowledge?

It’s also crucial to know some of the hidden stones that will make your reading more efficient and productive. So take a look at several pieces of advice that I’m handpicked for you:

That’s why it’s important to know how to read right:

  1. Start Small: In the beginning, start with a few pages a day. Remember that consistency is key. There’s no point in reading for a week and then burning out.

  2. Diversify Your Reading: Explore different genres, authors, and perspectives to broaden your horizons. If you read only fiction books, then you won’t have any specific knowledge that will help you improve in your career. If you read only self-development books, you’ll have a pretty tight look at things. It’s crucial to read almost every type of book, to widen your view, and to explore some of the new and interesting concepts over and over again!

  3. Take Notes: I thought it was obvious for everyone, but it’s not. You should conceptualize the knowledge given in the book and take some notes. In another way, most of what you’ve read will be lost forever, and you won’t even notice it. Noting will also help you repeat the information repeatedly, so you won’t forget anything important!

  4. Reflect: After each book, take time to reflect on the insights gained and how they can apply to your life. It’s a great example of how to read philosophy books. You’ve read the chapter and thought about it. You’ve read the book and thought about this as well.

The Benefits of Reading

Books are like personal development coaches, they give us some theory and guide us through the journey of learning and practicing. It also gives you an infinite number of benefits.

  • Books offer diverse perspectives, stimulate creativity, and improve critical thinking skills.

  • A 2009 study from the consultancy Mindlab International at the University of Sussex found that reading reduced stress levels by 68% — now, that’s a stat worth bookmarking!

  • Reading books significantly reduces feelings of loneliness for people aged 18–64.

  • Fiction readers are more likely to show high levels of empathy and emotional intelligence than non-readers.

As you can see, there’re only benefits, and I’ve told you only about the most basic ones. Overall, by reading a book, you won’t make anything worse, absolutely the opposite, almost every aspect of your life will improve if you read on a regular basis. And it’s that simple.

If you find it challenging to read, consider audiobooks. You can listen to them while walking, exercising, or doing household chores. Plus, audiobooks offer a unique experience, allowing you to enjoy the book while freeing up your hands and eyes.

Where to Read

When it comes to reading, the environment can make all the difference. Find a quiet, comfortable space where you can fully immerse yourself in the reading experience.

Whether it’s a cozy armchair, a sunny park bench, or a peaceful library corner, the right setting can help you focus and enjoy the book more. I call it a programmed place. You’re choosing the best place for a specific kind of work. In the near future, your brain will understand it, and everything will be much easier to accomplish.

It’s like you have a table set up for productive work. If you work in this place, then you’ll need less time to get into the flow state and fully concentrate on the task. The same is true with reading books. Find your place, and make it peaceful so you’ll enjoy spending time there.

What to Read

So, as I promised, let’s explore some of the best books for anyone to read, in my opinion. I’ve read and handpicked the top 5 for you, so you wouldn’t need to spend any time searching for others!

  1. “Atomic Habits” by James Clear: Breaking down the complex process of habit formation into simple, practical steps, this book is a must-read for anyone striving for consistent personal growth.

  2. “The Black Swan” by Nassim Nicholas Taleb: The book is about rare and unpredictable events and how they impact our lives, economies, and societies. It challenges our beliefs about the predictability of the future and encourages us to embrace uncertainty and complexity in our decision-making. It’s a great read for anyone who wants to understand the role of chance in their lives and learn how to navigate it.

  3. “Martin Eden” by Jack London: This novel follows the story of a young man who strives to become a writer and achieve success. It explores themes of individualism, social class, and the struggle for self-discovery.

  4. “Steve Jobs” by Walter Isaacson: This biography tells the story of the legendary entrepreneur and co-founder of Apple Inc. It offers insights into his life, personality, and innovative spirit, making it an inspiring read for anyone interested in business or technology.

  5. “Getting to Yes” by Roger Fisher: This book is a guide to effective negotiation, offering practical strategies for achieving win-win solutions. It’s a must-read for anyone who wants to improve their communication and problem-solving skills.

How to Read

If knowledge is power, then knowing how to implement this knowledge is a superpower. The same applies to reading books. It doesn’t matter how many books you’ve read throughout your life; it only matters which information you got from them and really applied to your life.

What is the purpose of reading if you don’t remember anything after a week? What is the purpose if you don’t know how to implement it in real life and don’t know what to do with this knowledge?

It’s also crucial to know some of the hidden stones that will make your reading more efficient and productive. So take a look at several pieces of advice that I’m handpicked for you:

That’s why it’s important to know how to read right:

  1. Start Small: In the beginning, start with a few pages a day. Remember that consistency is key. There’s no point in reading for a week and then burning out.

  2. Diversify Your Reading: Explore different genres, authors, and perspectives to broaden your horizons. If you read only fiction books, then you won’t have any specific knowledge that will help you improve in your career. If you read only self-development books, you’ll have a pretty tight look at things. It’s crucial to read almost every type of book, to widen your view, and to explore some of the new and interesting concepts over and over again!

  3. Take Notes: I thought it was obvious for everyone, but it’s not. You should conceptualize the knowledge given in the book and take some notes. In another way, most of what you’ve read will be lost forever, and you won’t even notice it. Noting will also help you repeat the information repeatedly, so you won’t forget anything important!

  4. Reflect: After each book, take time to reflect on the insights gained and how they can apply to your life. It’s a great example of how to read philosophy books. You’ve read the chapter and thought about it. You’ve read the book and thought about this as well.



That’s it, I tried to write the whole guide for anyone who is interested in exploring something new! It would really help me when I just started, so I hope it will help you. Most of these pieces of advice will save you a bunch of time and give some purpose to what you’re doing.

I hope I also explained why reading is a crucial part of our society and why everyone should read it. So, happy reading, and continue to grow!


That’s it, I tried to write the whole guide for anyone who is interested in exploring something new! It would really help me when I just started, so I hope it will help you. Most of these pieces of advice will save you a bunch of time and give some purpose to what you’re doing.

I hope I also explained why reading is a crucial part of our society and why everyone should read it. So, happy reading, and continue to grow!

Reading Benefits

Reading Benefits

Literacy Skills

Literacy Skills

Book Recommendations

Book Recommendations

Reading Habits

Reading Habits

Personal Development

Personal Development

Learning Strategies

Learning Strategies

Mind Expansion

Mind Expansion

Intellectual Growth

Intellectual Growth

Reading Culture

Reading Culture

Educational Resources

Educational Resources

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