

The Unknown Side of Wealth Creation — 5 Unique Insights From The Wealthiest People in The World

The Unknown Side of Wealth Creation — 5 Unique Insights From The Wealthiest People in The World

The Unknown Side of Wealth Creation — 5 Unique Insights From The Wealthiest People in The World

Key Lessons That I Learned From Talking to Entrepreneurs And The Exact Strategy to Implement Them

Key Lessons That I Learned From Talking to Entrepreneurs And The Exact Strategy to Implement Them

A large pile of rolled U.S. dollar bills, conveying the concept of wealth, savings, or financial success

6min to read

Nov 23, 2023


A large pile of rolled U.S. dollar bills, conveying the concept of wealth, savings, or financial success

6min to read

Nov 23, 2023


A large pile of rolled U.S. dollar bills, conveying the concept of wealth, savings, or financial success

6min to read

Nov 23, 2023


Wealth isn’t just a game of numbers; it’s a state of mind.

Whether you’re creating an additional source of income or wanna become the richest person on the planet, you first have to start with the right mindset and the right habits.

With some insights from the wealthiest entrepreneurs, you’ll be able to change the way you look at your life and finally see what has been hidden from you all these years.

Wealth isn’t just a game of numbers; it’s a state of mind.

Whether you’re creating an additional source of income or wanna become the richest person on the planet, you first have to start with the right mindset and the right habits.

With some insights from the wealthiest entrepreneurs, you’ll be able to change the way you look at your life and finally see what has been hidden from you all these years.

1. Wealth is a Mindset, Not Just a Number

Wealth isn’t about the cash in your pocket, nor is it about the number of assets you have. It’s all about the way you look at earning money.

If the only thing that spins in your mind is how to create an e-commerce store and get millions overnight, then becoming wealthy isn’t truly what you need.

And I’m not even talking about the time frame here. Of course, you can come up with some revolutionary idea and become a millionaire in a matter of days. There’s something more crucial underneath.

It’s more about why you wanna publish your product or service. Do you want it just for cash?

Here’s the thing that you should remember to the end of your life.

Wealth is all about solving problems, as strange as it sounds.

That’s why we always hear this phrase — “Every problem is a new opportunity”

It really is, and it works in literally all situations.

Take a look at the wealthiest people in history. Whether that’s an oil tycoon or a tech genius. All of them built their businesses by solving someone else’s problem

The key here is that the size of your company will fully depend on the number of people who have these problems and how efficiently you’re solving them.

The truth is that — Nobody gives a sh*t if you’ve launched your store or published a product on the market if it doesn’t solve any problems.

So, wealth is all about finding the niche where you’re confident that you can help people overcome their challenges and make a product that would last.

2. Wealth as a Tool for Experimentation

That’s right. Most of the successful self-made entrepreneurs view wealth as a tool for experiments, not just a way to some luxury stuff and buy tens of cars.

In other words, wealth gives you significantly more possibilities to ask yourself — What If?

What if I’ll try a new hobby today? What if I’ll invest in this startup? What if we’ll go to Mars in the next 5 years?

By being wealthy you can explore what was unexplored, and notice what was unnoticed.

This isn’t just about investing in the stock market or starting businesses. It’s about using wealth to test personal boundaries, to learn, and to grow. For instance, consider how Elon Musk invested in SpaceX and Tesla, not just for profit, but to challenge and revolutionize industries

For me, it’s more about helping the things that I believe in. I’ve never strived for money and money came for me on their own, and I almost never buy anything for myself. I’m a guy who reinvests 90% of the income and who is passionate in some spheres.

And that’s probably one of the coolest things that money can help you with.

Start looking at money as something that can change other’s life, rather than just yours. You’ll be able to revolutionize some spheres of life step by step and who knows where it can lead.

Think of your wealth, no matter how big or small, as a ‘research and development’ fund for your life. It might be investing in a course that interests you, traveling to a new country, or even backing a Kickstarter project. The goal is to use your resources to add depth and dimension to your life.

3. Adaptivity, Flexibility, and Adaptivity again

Instead of sitting on a chair and waiting for a new payment, a wealthy guy would always seek to find new strategies, new roadmaps, and new ways of changing this world.

And that’s a pretty known fact. If you won’t be adaptive and flexible, then the market with just eat you up and you’ll end up with nothing.

The size of your company doesn’t matter. We’ve seen many historical events when the largest companies in the world became bankrupt.

And all of it is because of the lack of looking forward to the future.

Stagnation is the enemy of progress, and your project/startup/company will definitely die if you’re not changing rapidly, as well as the whole world does.

Finally, you shouldn’t see a change as a threat, see it as an opportunity.

Of course, when your structure is built precisely and working properly integrating new changes would cause some chaos. But without these changes, the chaos will come much faster than you think.

4. Trying More Than Thinking

Wealthy people are not the ones that would overthink. They’re the ones that would take a first step, and only then think about the path in front of them. They’re the ones who would take the first move and then help others.

In other words, they’re not worrying about falling or losing anything. And it’s not because they have everything in their life and losing a couple thousand wouldn’t make a change.

It’s more applicable to a way to become wealthy. When you don’t have that much bust still risk, still try, and still experiment as much as you want.

The wealthiest individuals often attribute their success to stepping out of their comfort zones and taking action, even when the outcome is uncertain. They recognize that every action, whether it leads to success or failure, is a step forward in their journey

It’s not that successful people don’t fear failure; they just don’t let fear dictate their actions

Only by taking serious steps without fearing and overthinking, you be able to make some discoveries.

Only by taking every new opportunity in the beginning, you’ll be able to make something meaningful in life.

Most of the time, it’s not necessary to think for the years forward. Remember that we can’t predict anything.

Fearing to make the first step after thinking where it can lead in 10 years isn’t a way as well, is it?

5. Valuing Time Over Money

Time is the most valuable asset that we have and I’m pretty sure that nobody would argue with that.

This insight changed how I approach my daily routine. Instead of trying to do everything myself, I started delegating tasks that weren’t a good use of my time.

By knowing the art of delegation and the price of your time, you’ll be able to grow much faster and much further.

This gives you the ability to focus on what really matters and what you do best.

Are there tasks you could outsource or automate? Could your time be better spent on activities that align with your goals and passions?

Remember, time is the one resource you can’t get more of, so use it wisely.

1. Wealth is a Mindset, Not Just a Number

Wealth isn’t about the cash in your pocket, nor is it about the number of assets you have. It’s all about the way you look at earning money.

If the only thing that spins in your mind is how to create an e-commerce store and get millions overnight, then becoming wealthy isn’t truly what you need.

And I’m not even talking about the time frame here. Of course, you can come up with some revolutionary idea and become a millionaire in a matter of days. There’s something more crucial underneath.

It’s more about why you wanna publish your product or service. Do you want it just for cash?

Here’s the thing that you should remember to the end of your life.

Wealth is all about solving problems, as strange as it sounds.

That’s why we always hear this phrase — “Every problem is a new opportunity”

It really is, and it works in literally all situations.

Take a look at the wealthiest people in history. Whether that’s an oil tycoon or a tech genius. All of them built their businesses by solving someone else’s problem

The key here is that the size of your company will fully depend on the number of people who have these problems and how efficiently you’re solving them.

The truth is that — Nobody gives a sh*t if you’ve launched your store or published a product on the market if it doesn’t solve any problems.

So, wealth is all about finding the niche where you’re confident that you can help people overcome their challenges and make a product that would last.

2. Wealth as a Tool for Experimentation

That’s right. Most of the successful self-made entrepreneurs view wealth as a tool for experiments, not just a way to some luxury stuff and buy tens of cars.

In other words, wealth gives you significantly more possibilities to ask yourself — What If?

What if I’ll try a new hobby today? What if I’ll invest in this startup? What if we’ll go to Mars in the next 5 years?

By being wealthy you can explore what was unexplored, and notice what was unnoticed.

This isn’t just about investing in the stock market or starting businesses. It’s about using wealth to test personal boundaries, to learn, and to grow. For instance, consider how Elon Musk invested in SpaceX and Tesla, not just for profit, but to challenge and revolutionize industries

For me, it’s more about helping the things that I believe in. I’ve never strived for money and money came for me on their own, and I almost never buy anything for myself. I’m a guy who reinvests 90% of the income and who is passionate in some spheres.

And that’s probably one of the coolest things that money can help you with.

Start looking at money as something that can change other’s life, rather than just yours. You’ll be able to revolutionize some spheres of life step by step and who knows where it can lead.

Think of your wealth, no matter how big or small, as a ‘research and development’ fund for your life. It might be investing in a course that interests you, traveling to a new country, or even backing a Kickstarter project. The goal is to use your resources to add depth and dimension to your life.

3. Adaptivity, Flexibility, and Adaptivity again

Instead of sitting on a chair and waiting for a new payment, a wealthy guy would always seek to find new strategies, new roadmaps, and new ways of changing this world.

And that’s a pretty known fact. If you won’t be adaptive and flexible, then the market with just eat you up and you’ll end up with nothing.

The size of your company doesn’t matter. We’ve seen many historical events when the largest companies in the world became bankrupt.

And all of it is because of the lack of looking forward to the future.

Stagnation is the enemy of progress, and your project/startup/company will definitely die if you’re not changing rapidly, as well as the whole world does.

Finally, you shouldn’t see a change as a threat, see it as an opportunity.

Of course, when your structure is built precisely and working properly integrating new changes would cause some chaos. But without these changes, the chaos will come much faster than you think.

4. Trying More Than Thinking

Wealthy people are not the ones that would overthink. They’re the ones that would take a first step, and only then think about the path in front of them. They’re the ones who would take the first move and then help others.

In other words, they’re not worrying about falling or losing anything. And it’s not because they have everything in their life and losing a couple thousand wouldn’t make a change.

It’s more applicable to a way to become wealthy. When you don’t have that much bust still risk, still try, and still experiment as much as you want.

The wealthiest individuals often attribute their success to stepping out of their comfort zones and taking action, even when the outcome is uncertain. They recognize that every action, whether it leads to success or failure, is a step forward in their journey

It’s not that successful people don’t fear failure; they just don’t let fear dictate their actions

Only by taking serious steps without fearing and overthinking, you be able to make some discoveries.

Only by taking every new opportunity in the beginning, you’ll be able to make something meaningful in life.

Most of the time, it’s not necessary to think for the years forward. Remember that we can’t predict anything.

Fearing to make the first step after thinking where it can lead in 10 years isn’t a way as well, is it?

5. Valuing Time Over Money

Time is the most valuable asset that we have and I’m pretty sure that nobody would argue with that.

This insight changed how I approach my daily routine. Instead of trying to do everything myself, I started delegating tasks that weren’t a good use of my time.

By knowing the art of delegation and the price of your time, you’ll be able to grow much faster and much further.

This gives you the ability to focus on what really matters and what you do best.

Are there tasks you could outsource or automate? Could your time be better spent on activities that align with your goals and passions?

Remember, time is the one resource you can’t get more of, so use it wisely.



Wealth isn’t just a game of numbers. And I hope by the end of this article you’ve understood why.

Your mind is your greatest asset in wealth creation. By embracing the right mindset, using the proper habits, and just looking at this life differently, you’ll be able to have as much wealth as you want.

After all, opportunities await, and it’s time to act!


Wealth isn’t just a game of numbers. And I hope by the end of this article you’ve understood why.

Your mind is your greatest asset in wealth creation. By embracing the right mindset, using the proper habits, and just looking at this life differently, you’ll be able to have as much wealth as you want.

After all, opportunities await, and it’s time to act!

Wealth Building

Wealth Building

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Money Mindset

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Innovative Finance

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