

How I Got Over 19,282 Visits and 150 Sales on My Gumroad Profile

How I Got Over 19,282 Visits and 150 Sales on My Gumroad Profile

How I Got Over 19,282 Visits and 150 Sales on My Gumroad Profile

A pretty easy strategy to generate new passive income

A pretty easy strategy to generate new passive income

Photo by Malte Helmhold on Unsplash

5min to read

Jul 7, 2023


Photo by Malte Helmhold on Unsplash

5min to read

Jul 7, 2023


Photo by Malte Helmhold on Unsplash

5min to read

Jul 7, 2023


Gumroad is an excellent platform for selling any kind of digital product. The best examples are online courses, ebooks, and templates.

I’ve been using it for a while and have gained almost 19,000 views and 150 sales.

Pretty significant results, in my opinion, including the fact that it was my first attempt and I didn’t know how to do it right.

In this article, I will share my experience and provide actionable tips on how to generate more sales and increase your passive income on Gumroad.

So, if you are looking for a side hustle that can generate a steady stream of income and provide you with additional traffic, then keep reading!

Gumroad is an excellent platform for selling any kind of digital product. The best examples are online courses, ebooks, and templates.

I’ve been using it for a while and have gained almost 19,000 views and 150 sales.

Pretty significant results, in my opinion, including the fact that it was my first attempt and I didn’t know how to do it right.

In this article, I will share my experience and provide actionable tips on how to generate more sales and increase your passive income on Gumroad.

So, if you are looking for a side hustle that can generate a steady stream of income and provide you with additional traffic, then keep reading!

How did I do it

The answer is pretty simple; it’s mostly because of my boomed article on Medium, where I left a link to my profile.

In that article, I briefly described what Gumroad is and told readers how anyone can make money with it. After a while, people started going to my profile and generating free traffic.

The best part is that it’s fully passive. I just had to turn on the machine, and now it’s working on its own. In other words, this article generated some traffic, but Gumroad sees such interest and starts to push me forward.

Everything you need to do is turn something into a digital piece of information that people will want to buy.

Of course, most of them wouldn’t buy anything. Most of them just took a short look and then left my profile. However, there’s nothing unusual; even a little conversion can make everything start to work.

As you can see below, the average conversion of sales is about 1%, which is not that bad. In total, it generated only $60. But remember that I’ve done almost zero work, and it will keep generating me passively!

What to sell

The answer is simple as well. You can sell everything.

Starting with making templates for Notion and ending with some useful online courses.

You need to understand that every piece of art, every design, every database, literally everything can be turned into a digital product.

You just need to know how to do it right.

I’m a UI/UX designer and I really love my profession. However, it’s not scalable; everything I can do is make more designs to earn more money. But not with the templates.

I turned some of my old designs into simple templates in Figma. People can buy them and easily change every part that they want, even adding something on their own.

Here’s a simple list of what you can sell right away:

  • Notion templates

  • Figma templates

  • Online courses

  • Word, Excel, and PowerPoint templates

  • eBooks on any kind of topic

  • Illustrations

  • Photos

To summarize, there’s an almost infinite amount of what you can do in this sphere!

Easy way to get free traffic

Don’t try to make a profit from everything. In most cases, it’s way better to create a bunch of free products that will attract a specific audience.

After a while, most of them will probably buy your paid products as well. This strategy uses Easlo, the biggest seller of Notion templates in the world!

Most of his templates are fully free, and it’s like simple marketing for his Gumroad profile and other social media as well. However, he still generates over $100,000 per month by selling some packs of paid templates.

Trust me, this is an incredible strategy, and I’m using it myself too. Most of my design templates are free, and you can get them right away!

What to do after making a sale

One of the best ways to increase sales and generate repeat business is to provide excellent customer service. Be sure to respond to any questions or concerns promptly and professionally, and consider offering special offers to loyal customers.

You can also ask for feedback and use it to improve your products and marketing strategies.

Another important step is to track your sales and analyze your data. Look for trends in your sales and adjust your strategies accordingly.

Consider experimenting with different pricing, product types, and marketing techniques to see what works best for you.

Remember, success on Gumroad takes time and patience. Keep creating high-quality products, engaging with your audience, and learning from your experiences.

With dedication and hard work, you can turn your Gumroad side hustle into a successful and fulfilling career.

Social media promotion

Social media can be a powerful tool to promote your Gumroad profile and increase your sales. As I mentioned earlier, it worked incredibly for me and will surely work for you!

Share your products on your personal and professional accounts, and engage with your followers to build a community around your work.

You can also collaborate with other creators in your niche to cross-promote each other’s work and reach new audiences.

Don’t be afraid to experiment with different platforms and strategies to find what works best for you. Gumroad isn’t the only option, you can find many other platforms that would fit you the best.

Below you can see some additional statistics. Half of the traffic came from Medium and the other half was generated organically.

How did I do it

The answer is pretty simple; it’s mostly because of my boomed article on Medium, where I left a link to my profile.

In that article, I briefly described what Gumroad is and told readers how anyone can make money with it. After a while, people started going to my profile and generating free traffic.

The best part is that it’s fully passive. I just had to turn on the machine, and now it’s working on its own. In other words, this article generated some traffic, but Gumroad sees such interest and starts to push me forward.

Everything you need to do is turn something into a digital piece of information that people will want to buy.

Of course, most of them wouldn’t buy anything. Most of them just took a short look and then left my profile. However, there’s nothing unusual; even a little conversion can make everything start to work.

As you can see below, the average conversion of sales is about 1%, which is not that bad. In total, it generated only $60. But remember that I’ve done almost zero work, and it will keep generating me passively!

What to sell

The answer is simple as well. You can sell everything.

Starting with making templates for Notion and ending with some useful online courses.

You need to understand that every piece of art, every design, every database, literally everything can be turned into a digital product.

You just need to know how to do it right.

I’m a UI/UX designer and I really love my profession. However, it’s not scalable; everything I can do is make more designs to earn more money. But not with the templates.

I turned some of my old designs into simple templates in Figma. People can buy them and easily change every part that they want, even adding something on their own.

Here’s a simple list of what you can sell right away:

  • Notion templates

  • Figma templates

  • Online courses

  • Word, Excel, and PowerPoint templates

  • eBooks on any kind of topic

  • Illustrations

  • Photos

To summarize, there’s an almost infinite amount of what you can do in this sphere!

Easy way to get free traffic

Don’t try to make a profit from everything. In most cases, it’s way better to create a bunch of free products that will attract a specific audience.

After a while, most of them will probably buy your paid products as well. This strategy uses Easlo, the biggest seller of Notion templates in the world!

Most of his templates are fully free, and it’s like simple marketing for his Gumroad profile and other social media as well. However, he still generates over $100,000 per month by selling some packs of paid templates.

Trust me, this is an incredible strategy, and I’m using it myself too. Most of my design templates are free, and you can get them right away!

What to do after making a sale

One of the best ways to increase sales and generate repeat business is to provide excellent customer service. Be sure to respond to any questions or concerns promptly and professionally, and consider offering special offers to loyal customers.

You can also ask for feedback and use it to improve your products and marketing strategies.

Another important step is to track your sales and analyze your data. Look for trends in your sales and adjust your strategies accordingly.

Consider experimenting with different pricing, product types, and marketing techniques to see what works best for you.

Remember, success on Gumroad takes time and patience. Keep creating high-quality products, engaging with your audience, and learning from your experiences.

With dedication and hard work, you can turn your Gumroad side hustle into a successful and fulfilling career.

Social media promotion

Social media can be a powerful tool to promote your Gumroad profile and increase your sales. As I mentioned earlier, it worked incredibly for me and will surely work for you!

Share your products on your personal and professional accounts, and engage with your followers to build a community around your work.

You can also collaborate with other creators in your niche to cross-promote each other’s work and reach new audiences.

Don’t be afraid to experiment with different platforms and strategies to find what works best for you. Gumroad isn’t the only option, you can find many other platforms that would fit you the best.

Below you can see some additional statistics. Half of the traffic came from Medium and the other half was generated organically.



To summarize, Gumroad is an excellent platform for selling any kind of digital product and can provide a steady stream of passive income.

The key is to create high-quality products, remember to make free products and engage with your audience through social media promotion and excellent customer service.

With dedication and hard work, Gumroad can turn into a fulfilling career that generates both money and satisfaction.


To summarize, Gumroad is an excellent platform for selling any kind of digital product and can provide a steady stream of passive income.

The key is to create high-quality products, remember to make free products and engage with your audience through social media promotion and excellent customer service.

With dedication and hard work, Gumroad can turn into a fulfilling career that generates both money and satisfaction.

Gumroad Success

Gumroad Success

Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing

E-commerce Sales

E-commerce Sales

Traffic Generation

Traffic Generation

Online Selling

Online Selling

Marketing Case Study

Marketing Case Study

Sales Strategies

Sales Strategies

Content Marketing

Content Marketing

Conversion Optimization

Conversion Optimization



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