

Ask The Right Question to Get The Right Answers — Simple, but Hard at The Same Time

Ask The Right Question to Get The Right Answers — Simple, but Hard at The Same Time

Ask The Right Question to Get The Right Answers — Simple, but Hard at The Same Time

Everything is already answered, you just need to find the right question

Everything is already answered, you just need to find the right question

Photo by Simone Secci on Unsplash

6min to read

Sep 2, 2023


Photo by Simone Secci on Unsplash

6min to read

Sep 2, 2023


Photo by Simone Secci on Unsplash

6min to read

Sep 2, 2023


All the doors are already built, you just need to find the right key to unlock them.

Questions are the keys that unlock the doors to understanding. But not all keys fit every lock.

Finding the right question or the right key may seem like a pretty simple task, but it’s also hard at the same time.

Sometimes it’s enough to ask just why, and sometimes you’ll have to be more specific to hear what you want to hear.

In this article, I want to explore the importance of asking questions and how it can lead to solving all the problems, valuable insights, and clarity in life!

All the doors are already built, you just need to find the right key to unlock them.

Questions are the keys that unlock the doors to understanding. But not all keys fit every lock.

Finding the right question or the right key may seem like a pretty simple task, but it’s also hard at the same time.

Sometimes it’s enough to ask just why, and sometimes you’ll have to be more specific to hear what you want to hear.

In this article, I want to explore the importance of asking questions and how it can lead to solving all the problems, valuable insights, and clarity in life!

The Mystery of 42

In “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy,” the most advanced supercomputer named Deep Thought is asked to find the “Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything.” Pretty abstract question, haha.

After seven and a half million years of computation, the answer is revealed to be 42. The catch? Nobody knows what the actual question is!

What is 42? It can be just a multiply of 6 and 7, it can’t be an answer to life, can’t it?

This number is meaningless without the context of the question it answers. In other words, it’s pretty useless to have the most advanced answer if you do not know the question itself.

It shows us the importance of asking the right questions.

There’s nothing more crucial in life, business, and work than clarity and understanding. With the right question, you’ll see through the problem and be able to deal with it much faster and more effectively.

So, the number 42 has become a cultural symbol for the unknown and the unexplored!

No matter how advanced our technology becomes (like the supercomputer Deep Thought), there are still unknown mysteries that wait for us.

Overall, any question leads to deeper understanding, better decisions, and stronger connections.

Embrace the Absurdity

Sometimes, answers lead to more questions, and that’s okay. Usually, problems are more complex and we need more time to solve them.

The best thing that you can do in such situations is to start asking an infinite amount of questions. Right to the absurdity.

Even if you already have an answer and it’s pretty obvious, it’s still worth asking. You never know which exact answer you’ll get, and maybe it will inspire you to do something else.

Most of us are afraid to ask questions because we’ll look “dumb”. In fact, you can be dumb only if you haven’t asked enough questions, and definitely not because of your curiosity.

That’s right, you can’t be curious and dumb at the same time. If you’re curious about something, then you’ll do anything in life to find the answers. And curiosity is just the first stage of absurdity.

“I would rather have a kid with nine fingers than a resourceless kid.” — Jeff Bezos

The common tendency is to stay on the surface, missing the opportunity for deeper exploration. And even when you stay on the surface, you still avoid some ‘surface-level’ questions by being scared of others’ opinions.

Sometimes, it can seem that the problem is pretty easy and that everything is obvious. But when we dive deeper into this problem, we start to see how unprofessional we were and that we should have asked questions about everything in the beginning.

You never should be afraid to ask one more question; it’s so crucial, and you never know which one will save the whole task.

Take my situation, for example. I’ve been working freelance as a UI/UX designer for over 3 years. I’ve had many situations where I could have asked several more questions but didn’t because I was too afraid. As a result, I’ve spent much more time rethinking and recreating the designs.

Remember that not every question has an answer for now. You shouldn’t be afraid of the uncertainties and discomfort they might bring. If you’ve noticed that nobody can give you a straight answer, then it’s your turn to be the guru of this question!

Pretty excited to be a guru of some questions, isn’t it? :)

In a nutshell, embracing the unknown and the absurd can lead to creative thinking and new perspectives. It’s a reminder to stay curious and open-minded!

Thinking Critically

Usually, problems aren’t straightforward. Usually, you need to spend lots of time and effort finding the best way to solve these problems.

Sometimes your previous algorithms of thinking aren’t working for a specific problem. At these moments, you need to start thinking critically and ask yourself the most creative and strangest questions. Let me explain.

When you’re a child, you don’t know how this world works and have never heard about economics, statistics, and stuff. You face some problems and do not have any barriers to thinking.

When you want to do something and don’t have any algorithms for doing it in your brain, it can lead to something incredible.

For instance, a child wants to reach a jar of cookies placed on a high shelf. He doesn’t have the knowledge and understanding of how to do it in the ‘right’ way.

They don’t think in terms of impossibilities but rather in terms of possibilities.

Children also ask “why” and “how” without fear of judgment. They are driven by pure curiosity, and this leads to innovative thinking.

Without hesitation, the child might stack pillows, toys, and books to create an improvised ladder. It probably wouldn’t work for the first time, so he’ll find some other solutions to make it more stable and finally reach his favorite cookies.

The solutions are endless, limited only by the child’s imagination. The same principle should work for you and me.

When we can’t solve some problems, we can start breaking down all the barriers and structures in our minds. As a result, we’ll get some of the most creative and critical solutions.

To make it even more powerful, we need to start asking questions.

As we’ve talked about previously, start being absurd and ask yourself everything. Even the smallest parts of the problem. It would really upgrade your critical thinking.

Let’s take a look at some of the common questions this child has.

“What do I need to do to get the cookies?”, “How many pillows do I need to place?”, “The pillows are too soft, what should I do with them?”, “I’ve failed, how can I stabilize my structure?”, and so on.

Understanding the context and what you really want to know is a superpower. Now you know how to activate it in your mind!

The Mystery of 42

In “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy,” the most advanced supercomputer named Deep Thought is asked to find the “Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything.” Pretty abstract question, haha.

After seven and a half million years of computation, the answer is revealed to be 42. The catch? Nobody knows what the actual question is!

What is 42? It can be just a multiply of 6 and 7, it can’t be an answer to life, can’t it?

This number is meaningless without the context of the question it answers. In other words, it’s pretty useless to have the most advanced answer if you do not know the question itself.

It shows us the importance of asking the right questions.

There’s nothing more crucial in life, business, and work than clarity and understanding. With the right question, you’ll see through the problem and be able to deal with it much faster and more effectively.

So, the number 42 has become a cultural symbol for the unknown and the unexplored!

No matter how advanced our technology becomes (like the supercomputer Deep Thought), there are still unknown mysteries that wait for us.

Overall, any question leads to deeper understanding, better decisions, and stronger connections.

Embrace the Absurdity

Sometimes, answers lead to more questions, and that’s okay. Usually, problems are more complex and we need more time to solve them.

The best thing that you can do in such situations is to start asking an infinite amount of questions. Right to the absurdity.

Even if you already have an answer and it’s pretty obvious, it’s still worth asking. You never know which exact answer you’ll get, and maybe it will inspire you to do something else.

Most of us are afraid to ask questions because we’ll look “dumb”. In fact, you can be dumb only if you haven’t asked enough questions, and definitely not because of your curiosity.

That’s right, you can’t be curious and dumb at the same time. If you’re curious about something, then you’ll do anything in life to find the answers. And curiosity is just the first stage of absurdity.

“I would rather have a kid with nine fingers than a resourceless kid.” — Jeff Bezos

The common tendency is to stay on the surface, missing the opportunity for deeper exploration. And even when you stay on the surface, you still avoid some ‘surface-level’ questions by being scared of others’ opinions.

Sometimes, it can seem that the problem is pretty easy and that everything is obvious. But when we dive deeper into this problem, we start to see how unprofessional we were and that we should have asked questions about everything in the beginning.

You never should be afraid to ask one more question; it’s so crucial, and you never know which one will save the whole task.

Take my situation, for example. I’ve been working freelance as a UI/UX designer for over 3 years. I’ve had many situations where I could have asked several more questions but didn’t because I was too afraid. As a result, I’ve spent much more time rethinking and recreating the designs.

Remember that not every question has an answer for now. You shouldn’t be afraid of the uncertainties and discomfort they might bring. If you’ve noticed that nobody can give you a straight answer, then it’s your turn to be the guru of this question!

Pretty excited to be a guru of some questions, isn’t it? :)

In a nutshell, embracing the unknown and the absurd can lead to creative thinking and new perspectives. It’s a reminder to stay curious and open-minded!

Thinking Critically

Usually, problems aren’t straightforward. Usually, you need to spend lots of time and effort finding the best way to solve these problems.

Sometimes your previous algorithms of thinking aren’t working for a specific problem. At these moments, you need to start thinking critically and ask yourself the most creative and strangest questions. Let me explain.

When you’re a child, you don’t know how this world works and have never heard about economics, statistics, and stuff. You face some problems and do not have any barriers to thinking.

When you want to do something and don’t have any algorithms for doing it in your brain, it can lead to something incredible.

For instance, a child wants to reach a jar of cookies placed on a high shelf. He doesn’t have the knowledge and understanding of how to do it in the ‘right’ way.

They don’t think in terms of impossibilities but rather in terms of possibilities.

Children also ask “why” and “how” without fear of judgment. They are driven by pure curiosity, and this leads to innovative thinking.

Without hesitation, the child might stack pillows, toys, and books to create an improvised ladder. It probably wouldn’t work for the first time, so he’ll find some other solutions to make it more stable and finally reach his favorite cookies.

The solutions are endless, limited only by the child’s imagination. The same principle should work for you and me.

When we can’t solve some problems, we can start breaking down all the barriers and structures in our minds. As a result, we’ll get some of the most creative and critical solutions.

To make it even more powerful, we need to start asking questions.

As we’ve talked about previously, start being absurd and ask yourself everything. Even the smallest parts of the problem. It would really upgrade your critical thinking.

Let’s take a look at some of the common questions this child has.

“What do I need to do to get the cookies?”, “How many pillows do I need to place?”, “The pillows are too soft, what should I do with them?”, “I’ve failed, how can I stabilize my structure?”, and so on.

Understanding the context and what you really want to know is a superpower. Now you know how to activate it in your mind!



Asking the right question might be simple, but it’s also hard at the same time. Thinking critically, being a child, and asking an infinite number of questions open doors to creativity and Innovation.

So the next time you face a complex problem, don’t be afraid to ask the most creative and strangest questions. You might just discover a solution as delightful and unexpected as a child reaching for a cookie!

Embrace the challenge, and remember that the right question is a pathway to discovery. Opportunities await, time to act!


Asking the right question might be simple, but it’s also hard at the same time. Thinking critically, being a child, and asking an infinite number of questions open doors to creativity and Innovation.

So the next time you face a complex problem, don’t be afraid to ask the most creative and strangest questions. You might just discover a solution as delightful and unexpected as a child reaching for a cookie!

Embrace the challenge, and remember that the right question is a pathway to discovery. Opportunities await, time to act!

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