

14 Things That Rich People Do And Poor People Don't

14 Things That Rich People Do And Poor People Don't

14 Things That Rich People Do And Poor People Don't

And what to do to become a better version of yourself

And what to do to become a better version of yourself


7min to read

Jul 3, 2023



7min to read

Jul 3, 2023



7min to read

Jul 3, 2023


In this article, we won’t discuss any playboys or one-night millionaires. We’ll take a look at some of the most successful people around the world and see what really made them that rich.

It would be helpful for anyone, even if you’ve already achieved some decent results. I hope some of them will resonate with you, and you’ll end up improving some parts of your life.

I’ve gathered some of the most valuable information by watching tons of interviews, reading biographies, and talking to some highly successful people. So, get comfortable and dive into the world of something meaningful!

In this article, we won’t discuss any playboys or one-night millionaires. We’ll take a look at some of the most successful people around the world and see what really made them that rich.

It would be helpful for anyone, even if you’ve already achieved some decent results. I hope some of them will resonate with you, and you’ll end up improving some parts of your life.

I’ve gathered some of the most valuable information by watching tons of interviews, reading biographies, and talking to some highly successful people. So, get comfortable and dive into the world of something meaningful!

Create a Positive Impact

By doing good things and creating a positive impact in the world, you’ll improve your status in the eyes of your audience and make someone else’s life better. It’s like killing two birds with one stone.

You don’t have to be an altruist and forget about making money and monetizing some parts of the process. Absolutely the opposite, I would highly encourage you to not forget about yourself.

However, every business should be meaningful, and everything that you do should help others solve their problems rather than maximize your profits. That’s the first thing you should think about.

What is the purpose of business if it’s not making any positive impact?

Focus on creating multiple streams of income

Imagine a table with only one leg. Pretty unstable, isn’t it? The same principle applies to income.

There’s nothing more unstable than having only one stream of income. At any possible moment, you can be fired, the recession can come, or something unpredictable can happen.

In any possible way, it’s way better to have several streams of income, even if they are pretty small.

View challenges as opportunities

I started viewing work and life from this perspective several years ago and have achieved pretty significant results because of it.

Everything that you face in your everyday life is making you stronger and can benefit you in a way that you wouldn’t even think about.

Nobody knows exactly what can turn you into a millionaire. Sometimes you can face a little problem, but it will teach you a lot.

Network and build strong relationships

This is kind of an addition to the previous advice. You never know who can help you along the way.

Sometimes you can meet someone or go to a specific place, and it will completely change the direction of your life.

That’s why meeting new people and improving your contacts will help you achieve everything you've ever wanted.

It’s one of the most crucial pieces of advice that I’ve heard, and I would highly encourage you to implement it in your life!

Continuously learn and improve skills

This is pretty basic, but not that many people really follow it. If you work 9–5 and have other activities, you still should learn something new. And it’s not really hard.

You won’t live in this world if you’re not flexible enough. You need to be ready for anything, and even if something happens, you still have some valuable skills behind you.

Especially in the world of AI, when everybody tells you how it will get your job and how you’ll get fired.

Focus on one thing at a time

As I mentioned, you should constantly learn something new. But don’t make it the #1 in your life. You need to choose your main path and walk it.

There’s a difference between walking 20 steps in one direction and one step in 20 directions. Your goals should be pointy and sharp, or you’ll lose the sense of progress and forget about the path.

Have a strong work ethic and dedication to their craft

Having a strong work ethic and dedication to your craft is important not only for achieving financial success but also for personal fulfillment.

When you are passionate about what you do and committed to achieving your goals, you will feel a sense of purpose and fulfillment that can’t be achieved through money alone.

Always find time to relax

Working is cool; I really love working and spending time doing something meaningful. But we still need to find some time to relax and reboot.

And I’m not talking about sleep. I’m talking about some relaxation throughout your day and life overall.

It’s crucial for your mental health and productivity. There’s nothing good about working 100 hours per week, including the fact that your productivity will decrease with every additional hour.

It’s much better to work 40 hours and relax in the proper way. So pay closer attention and don’t be overwhelmed by the unstoppable work!

Have a long-term perspective rather than a short-term one

If everything is cool now, it doesn’t mean that it will last forever. You should look at everything from a long-term perspective rather than in its current state.

Again, it’s pretty obvious, but not everybody understands it. If you start a business, it won’t probably give you any profits in the near future. If you’ve made an investment, it probably won’t make you money in the near future.

Everything takes time in life, and there’s nothing to do with it other than to agree.

Invest in the proper way

Investing just for the sake of appearances isn’t the best option. It’s much better to not invest at all than to invest in something you’re not sure about.

Rich people always do deep research on this topic and you won’t see someone who is wasting his money on some unknown and useless stocks, cryptocurrencies, assets, etc.

Actually, you can use a pretty simple principle that I’ve discovered recently. You should invest in something that you spend the most time with.

If you love to read books and it’s a huge part of your life, then there’s nothing you can invest in better than books. In other words, you can buy some authentic books or buy stocks in the companies related to them.

Avoid unnecessary expenses

If you think that truly rich people are spending money on everything they see, then it’s time to break this illusion.

Most of them became rich because they didn’t spend money to show something to others and found a better place to put it. The best example is investing.

In other words, every time you want to buy something, you should understand if it’s necessary for you and if there's anything else to spend your money on.

Develop a strong personal brand

Rich people focus on building a personal brand that highlights their strengths and makes them stand out in their respective industries.

This is what I’m currently doing, and I advise you to start too. Medium has completely changed my life, and I can’t imagine my life without it.

Find something that you’re interested in and that you can share with society. For me, it was programming, not more self-development and entrepreneurship topics.

I’ve consumed tons of information related to this stuff and practiced. Now I can share some of my experience with you and create a personal brand around it. Isn’t that cool?

Give back to society

Wealthy people understand the importance of giving back to society. They use their resources and influence to support causes that they believe in and to make a positive impact on people’s lives.

And as we talked about previously, creating a positive impact is also a crucial aspect of becoming rich.

Build a strong team around you

Rich people know that success is not achieved alone. They focus on building a strong team of talented and dedicated individuals who share their vision and values.

They invest in their team’s growth and development and provide them with the resources and support they need to succeed.

It doesn’t have to be a business; you can be just passionate about something and energize other specialists in this field, so you’ll progress much quicker together.

Create a Positive Impact

By doing good things and creating a positive impact in the world, you’ll improve your status in the eyes of your audience and make someone else’s life better. It’s like killing two birds with one stone.

You don’t have to be an altruist and forget about making money and monetizing some parts of the process. Absolutely the opposite, I would highly encourage you to not forget about yourself.

However, every business should be meaningful, and everything that you do should help others solve their problems rather than maximize your profits. That’s the first thing you should think about.

What is the purpose of business if it’s not making any positive impact?

Focus on creating multiple streams of income

Imagine a table with only one leg. Pretty unstable, isn’t it? The same principle applies to income.

There’s nothing more unstable than having only one stream of income. At any possible moment, you can be fired, the recession can come, or something unpredictable can happen.

In any possible way, it’s way better to have several streams of income, even if they are pretty small.

View challenges as opportunities

I started viewing work and life from this perspective several years ago and have achieved pretty significant results because of it.

Everything that you face in your everyday life is making you stronger and can benefit you in a way that you wouldn’t even think about.

Nobody knows exactly what can turn you into a millionaire. Sometimes you can face a little problem, but it will teach you a lot.

Network and build strong relationships

This is kind of an addition to the previous advice. You never know who can help you along the way.

Sometimes you can meet someone or go to a specific place, and it will completely change the direction of your life.

That’s why meeting new people and improving your contacts will help you achieve everything you've ever wanted.

It’s one of the most crucial pieces of advice that I’ve heard, and I would highly encourage you to implement it in your life!

Continuously learn and improve skills

This is pretty basic, but not that many people really follow it. If you work 9–5 and have other activities, you still should learn something new. And it’s not really hard.

You won’t live in this world if you’re not flexible enough. You need to be ready for anything, and even if something happens, you still have some valuable skills behind you.

Especially in the world of AI, when everybody tells you how it will get your job and how you’ll get fired.

Focus on one thing at a time

As I mentioned, you should constantly learn something new. But don’t make it the #1 in your life. You need to choose your main path and walk it.

There’s a difference between walking 20 steps in one direction and one step in 20 directions. Your goals should be pointy and sharp, or you’ll lose the sense of progress and forget about the path.

Have a strong work ethic and dedication to their craft

Having a strong work ethic and dedication to your craft is important not only for achieving financial success but also for personal fulfillment.

When you are passionate about what you do and committed to achieving your goals, you will feel a sense of purpose and fulfillment that can’t be achieved through money alone.

Always find time to relax

Working is cool; I really love working and spending time doing something meaningful. But we still need to find some time to relax and reboot.

And I’m not talking about sleep. I’m talking about some relaxation throughout your day and life overall.

It’s crucial for your mental health and productivity. There’s nothing good about working 100 hours per week, including the fact that your productivity will decrease with every additional hour.

It’s much better to work 40 hours and relax in the proper way. So pay closer attention and don’t be overwhelmed by the unstoppable work!

Have a long-term perspective rather than a short-term one

If everything is cool now, it doesn’t mean that it will last forever. You should look at everything from a long-term perspective rather than in its current state.

Again, it’s pretty obvious, but not everybody understands it. If you start a business, it won’t probably give you any profits in the near future. If you’ve made an investment, it probably won’t make you money in the near future.

Everything takes time in life, and there’s nothing to do with it other than to agree.

Invest in the proper way

Investing just for the sake of appearances isn’t the best option. It’s much better to not invest at all than to invest in something you’re not sure about.

Rich people always do deep research on this topic and you won’t see someone who is wasting his money on some unknown and useless stocks, cryptocurrencies, assets, etc.

Actually, you can use a pretty simple principle that I’ve discovered recently. You should invest in something that you spend the most time with.

If you love to read books and it’s a huge part of your life, then there’s nothing you can invest in better than books. In other words, you can buy some authentic books or buy stocks in the companies related to them.

Avoid unnecessary expenses

If you think that truly rich people are spending money on everything they see, then it’s time to break this illusion.

Most of them became rich because they didn’t spend money to show something to others and found a better place to put it. The best example is investing.

In other words, every time you want to buy something, you should understand if it’s necessary for you and if there's anything else to spend your money on.

Develop a strong personal brand

Rich people focus on building a personal brand that highlights their strengths and makes them stand out in their respective industries.

This is what I’m currently doing, and I advise you to start too. Medium has completely changed my life, and I can’t imagine my life without it.

Find something that you’re interested in and that you can share with society. For me, it was programming, not more self-development and entrepreneurship topics.

I’ve consumed tons of information related to this stuff and practiced. Now I can share some of my experience with you and create a personal brand around it. Isn’t that cool?

Give back to society

Wealthy people understand the importance of giving back to society. They use their resources and influence to support causes that they believe in and to make a positive impact on people’s lives.

And as we talked about previously, creating a positive impact is also a crucial aspect of becoming rich.

Build a strong team around you

Rich people know that success is not achieved alone. They focus on building a strong team of talented and dedicated individuals who share their vision and values.

They invest in their team’s growth and development and provide them with the resources and support they need to succeed.

It doesn’t have to be a business; you can be just passionate about something and energize other specialists in this field, so you’ll progress much quicker together.



That’s it. As you can see, I’ve included some basic differences and advice as well, so many of you can resonate with it better.

In conclusion, the habits and behaviors of successful individuals provide valuable lessons for those looking to improve their own lives.

Whether it’s creating a positive impact, building strong relationships, or continuously learning and improving skills, there are many ways to achieve success and fulfillment. So take these lessons and use them as inspiration to reach your own goals and make something meaningful!


That’s it. As you can see, I’ve included some basic differences and advice as well, so many of you can resonate with it better.

In conclusion, the habits and behaviors of successful individuals provide valuable lessons for those looking to improve their own lives.

Whether it’s creating a positive impact, building strong relationships, or continuously learning and improving skills, there are many ways to achieve success and fulfillment. So take these lessons and use them as inspiration to reach your own goals and make something meaningful!

Wealth Habits

Wealth Habits

Financial Mindset

Financial Mindset

Personal Finance

Personal Finance

Success Strategies

Success Strategies

Rich vs Poor

Rich vs Poor

Money Management

Money Management

Wealth Building

Wealth Building

Financial Education

Financial Education

Investment Strategies

Investment Strategies

Economic Behavior

Economic Behavior

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